Superintendent's Message
With immense pride and optimism, I welcome you to Greenbrier County Schools! From the preschool reading circle to the graduation stage, our school system strives to foster an atmosphere of excellence in all we do, and it shows!
Greenbrier County Schools' success is evident in the classrooms of our fourteen outstanding schools, led and managed by our team of exceptional educators and service staff. Our shared commitment to student achievement, molding students of positive character, and instilling a genuine attitude of service and caring for others provides a rich foundation for developing well-rounded and successful young people. Our partnerships with families, area businesses, and the community further fortify that foundation.
I speak for all our devoted employees in saying that we consider it an honor to serve the students and families of Greenbrier County. Simply put, they are the most important part of Greenbrier County Schools, and their safety and success drive all we do.
I regard it a humble privilege to serve as your Superintendent of Schools. Please feel free to call on our team and me for assistance.
Jeff Bryant
Welcome to Greenbrier County Schools
Transforming Lives Through Educational Excellence
Greenbrier County Schools is committed to providing a safe, engaging, and dynamic educational environment that produces self-directed learners and empowers citizens of all ages to trust in, invest in, and benefit from public education.
The resilience and dedication of GCS students, staff, and families inspire us all!
Superintendent Bryant
All children deserve love and respect
Every child has unique talents and skills.
Families should be treated as valued and respected partners.
Every person in Greenbrier County Schools contributes to student success.
It is our responsibility to help all students maximize their academic potential.
Learning occurs all the time. It is more than a formal process.

About Greenbrier County Schools
Greenbrier County Schools (GCS), the 16th largest school district in West Virginia, serves approximately 4700 students across nine elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools, and one achievement center. GCS also offers a virtual learning platform for students through Proximity Learning. A five-member board elected by the citizens of Greenbrier County governs our school system, which our Superintendent of Schools leads.
Greenbrier County students are challenged through a demanding curriculum, and their success is reflected in competitive test scores and student honors in state and national competitions. A multitude of classroom and extracurricular activities are available to meet student needs and interests, including Honors, Advanced Placement, and Gifted Classes; Career and Technical Education; Special Education; and Athletic and Music Programs, to name a few.
Support from citizens and our community business and arts partners helps make Greenbrier County Schools a great place to learn and grow!
GCS Main Office
653 Church Street Lewisburg, WV 24901
Phone: 304-647-6470
Fax: 304-647-6490
OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. / 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The Greenbrier County Board of Education's Main Offices are located on the 2nd & 4th floors of Greenbrier Hall on the Lewisburg Campus of New River Community & Technical College. You will find these departments in Greenbrier Hall:
2nd Floor
Associate Superintendent
Human Resources
Business /Payroll
4th Floor
Lead School Nurse
Elementary Education
Career & Tech Education
Adult Education, and
Special Education
Our Technology Office is located in the Ann & Kyle Fort Arts & Sciences Building on the same campus.
GCS Chestnut Street Office
197 Chestnut Street Lewisburg, WV 24901
PHONE: 304-647-6466
FAX: 304-647-5850
OFFICE HOURS Mon. - Fri. / 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
GCS Chestnut Street Departments:
School Psychologist
Adult Basic Education
Electronic Technology Team
Virtual School
Achievement Center
GCS Operations Center
391 Judyville Road Lewisburg, WV 24901
PHONE: 304-647-6461 (Operations)
304-647-7121 (Child Nutrition Office)
FAX: 304-647-6476
OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. / 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
GCS Operations Center Departments:
Child Nutrition
Bus Garage