Reminder: Students will be dismissed from school 3 hours early today, Monday, April 8.
8 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
3-Hour Early Dismissal
Students in Mrs. Cantley's class celebrated today. They all have a page in their recently published book, The ABC Zoo. The students read their page to their classmates and enjoyed a sweet treat after everyone had shared.
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
April calendar updates! A 3-hour early release is scheduled for Monday, April 8. The 2-hour early release initially scheduled for Thursday, April 25, has been canceled.
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Updated April Reminders
We can't get enough of the Carnegie Classrooms at FES. This time it was Origami with the first graders.
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
School calendar reminders for April:
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Calendar Reminders
Students can read, think, create, share, and grow when they spend time in the school library! We're celebrating School Library Month and sending a HUGE SHOUT OUT to our amazing librarians and volunteers for turning shelves of books into gateways of wonder and learning! #SchoolLibraryMonth #Read
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
School Library Month
Wishing our archery team and coaches the best of luck today at the West Virginia Archery in the Schools State Tournament! Here's to lots of bullseyes! 🏹🎯
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
Our Universal Pre-K program serves approximately 300 students per year. Each classroom has Pre-K, Head Start, and Pre-K special needs students. Apply online at
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Did You Know?
Happy Spring Break! We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Wednesday, April 3. Staff return on April 2 for a Professional Learning Day.
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Spring Break March 25 - April 2
Frankford Staff would like to wish our families a safe and fun Spring Break!
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
spring break
Congratulations to our March Pirates of the Month, Alexus Hill and Greely Turner!
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
march Pirate
GCS reminds families that students do not report to school on Friday, March 22, as it is a Teacher-Parent Conference Day. Please schedule in advance to meet with your child's teacher. Spring Break is Monday, March 25, through Tuesday, April 2. Staff will report on April 2 for a Professional Learning Day.
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
The first graders were working hard using their nonstandard measurement skills.
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
Hello, First Day of Spring! #FirstDayOfSpring #SpringIntoLearning
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Hello Spring!
GCS reminds families that students do not report to school on Friday, March 22, as it is a Teacher-Parent Conference Day. Please schedule in advance if you wish to meet with your child's teacher. Spring Break is Monday, March 25, through Tuesday, April 2. Staff will report on April 2 for a Professional Learning Day.
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Parent-Teacher Conf. Day Friday, March 22
Thanks to Carnegie Classrooms, 5th grade students got to do some leather work today. We always love the creative projects they complete in these workshops.
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
The Region IV Social Studies Fair was held on Saturday, March 16th, at Eastern Greenbrier Middle School. Participants previously won first place in their category at the school and county levels before advancing to the regional level. A total of 84 projects from 4 counties in our region competed in this year's fair. The results are available at Greenbrier County had 27 first-place winners, nine second-place finishers, and four third-place finishers. The first-place winners in their category, division, and type will advance to the WV State Social Studies Fair, which will take place on April 10th at the Charleston Coliseum. There, they will compete against other first-place winners from the other regions in our state. The Social Studies Fairs provide students the opportunity to ask essential questions, recognize patterns of behavior, think critically, create solutions, predict outcomes, and draw conclusions to help them learn to solve problems.
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Congrats to our Regional Social Studies Fair Winners!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to our GCS students, staff, and families!
9 months ago, Greenbrier County Schools
Happy St. Patrick's Day
The after-school students worked to engineer a jelly bean nest or shelter for their peeps with the help of WVU Extension Agent, Robin Haynes.
9 months ago, Jackie Williams
Thank you to everyone who came out to PTO and played Bingo last night.
9 months ago, Jackie Williams