State Parade
Showcase of the Arts
Montana Hammons of EGMS designed the winning  Logo (shown above) for the 2023 GCS Showcase of the Arts. Montana’s design  will be featured on event shirts for participants and the event program.
Rain Barrel
Purple Star Week
100 Days
Dr. Seuss Week
Spider Sentences
Dr. Seuss Week
EGMS students eating Mountain Steer Burgers
SNOW Much Fun!
MLK Poster Contest
Quaver Music
Math Lesson
GCS School Rankings on image
Spelling Bee Winners
Tell us what you think! GCS invites families and staff to provide 2023-34 school calendar input by completing our school calendary survey by Jan. 20, 2023.
Greenbrier County Schools (GCS) will host preschool and kindergarten registration on two dates and locations for children who will be four years old before July 1, 2023, for preschool and five years old before July 1, 2023, for kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in a GCS Pre-K program will be automatically enrolled in kindergarten in their home school district; therefore, parents of GCS Pre-K students will not need to attend a registration session.  Preschool and Kindergarten registration will take place at the following locations:  March 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the old Greenbrier County Board Office, 197 Chestnut St.; Lewisburg March 22 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Rupert Elementary School; Crawley